
Quality. Speed. Responsibility.

Post production

We are a globally recognized multidisciplinary team.
Collaborating with top-tier agencies, producers, and brands.

We offer solutions and characterize ourselves based on our understanding and flexibility of each project. A company conformed by recognized professionals in various disciplines in the same space that also share the same values:
Quality, Velocity, and Responsibility.

Vonage El-Corte-Ingles Whatsapp Loreal Colgate
Brahma Ajax Sprite Milka Nivea
Globant Toyota Corona Michelob Gatorade
Ades McDonalds Lipton Endesa Philadelphia
Budweiser Nissan YPF Ford Renault
CocaCola Magnum Movistar Yanbal Cerveza-Modelo
Kaspersky BBVA Disney Mastercard Repsol
Avon Foodora KFC Volvic HSBC
Directv-Sports Iberdrola Bitso MercadoLibre Dos-Equis
Beldent Lays Nescafe Volkswagen Shell
Twitter PedidosYa Vinted Bertolli Virgin
SCJohnson BurgerKing Oreo CADILLAC Popeyes
Yanbal Globant Foodora Twitter YPF
Comppo_LogosAgencias_0024_Lola Comppo_LogosAgencias_0016_New-London Comppo_LogosAgencias_0003_DPZT
Comppo_LogosAgencias_0019_Publicis-Groupe Comppo_LogosAgencias_0013_Mccan Comppo_LogosAgencias_0012_LiebreAmotinada
Comppo_LogosAgencias_0028_Prodigious Comppo_LogosAgencias_0027_Hogarth Comppo_LogosAgencias_0025_Isla
Comppo_LogosAgencias_0011_Leo-Burnett Comppo_LogosAgencias_0006_Gut Comppo_LogosAgencias_0002_Don
Comppo_LogosAgencias_0015_Merdeka_LHS Comppo_LogosAgencias_0018_Ogilvy Comppo_LogosAgencias_0026_DDB
Comppo_LogosAgencias_0017_Nomades Comppo_LogosAgencias_0001_David Comppo_LogosAgencias_0021_The-Cyranos
Comppo_LogosAgencias_0022_We-Believers Comppo_LogosAgencias_0023_Draftline Comppo_LogosAgencias_0029_WPP
Comppo_LogosAgencias_0014_Mercado-McCan Comppo_LogosAgencias_0005_GreyArgentina Comppo_LogosAgencias_0004_EnergyBBDO
Comppo_LogosAgencias_0010_LaAmerica Comppo_LogosAgencias_0008_Hoy Comppo_LogosAgencias_0007_Havas
Comppo_LogosAgencias_0000_BBDO Comppo_LogosAgencias_0009_JWT Comppo_LogosAgencias_0020_TBWA

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Our services

As a whole or individually

Offline Edition icon

Offline Edition

We have the best editors working either onsite or remotely. Streaming service or sharing an offline room in our Madrid office.

Colour Correction icon

Colour Correction

Absolute care in aesthetics, narrative, and technique for each project.

Online Edition icon

Online Edition

High conforming speed and material flow, 2K and 4K masters.

Visual Effects icon

Visual Effects

⁠VFX for technical retouch or aesthetics proposals. Rotoscoping, composition, integration, matte painting, beauty, and more.

Music icon


Production of bands for all types of content. Unique bands, original covers or sound-alike.

Sound & Mixing icon

Sound & Mixing

Sound design specific to each project and mixes made for each media playback.

Animation icon


Motion graphics or traditional 2D drawing. A detail or a whole piece. The animation possibilities are endless.

3D icon


CGI for addressing on-set requirements, creative challenges, hyper-realistic product modeling, demos, and more.

Artificial Intelligence icon

Artificial Intelligence

⁠We are constantly evolving, integrating new solutions through generative AI.

Reframing icon


Frames in 9:16, 1:1, 4:3, 4:5, 9:16. We are experts in adapting content for all social networks.

Subtitles icon


Designed and integrated into the image, or into compatible files formats.

Delivery icon


⁠Copies to be distributed by the client, or through automated delivery platforms. DCP and multiple codecs.

Meeting Room icon

Meeting Room

An office in Madrid for agencies, production companies, and clients to meet. A versatile space for multiple purposes.

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Coordination, supervision, and direction of all our services.
We tackle every stage of the project, from pre-production to final delivery.

Extensive experience in project coordination: from small-scale challenges to large-scale global campaigns. Our aim is to accompany the client's ideas by providing solutions perfectly organised and dynamic processes.

This is what we do.
This is how we do it.

Drag to discover a bit of our 15 years of work